States and Congress Wrestle With Cybersecurity After Iran Attacks Small Town Water Utilities

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States and Congress Wrestle With Cybersecurity After Iran Attacks Small Town Water Utilities

Post by rbc »

The tiny Aliquippa water authority in western Pennsylvania was perhaps the least-suspecting victim of an international cyberattack.

It had never had outside help in protecting its systems from a cyberattack, either at its existing plant that dates to the 1930s or the new $18.5 million one it is building.

Then it — along with several other water utilities — was struck by what federal authorities say are Iranian-backed hackers targeting a piece of equipment specifically because it was Israeli-made.

“If you told me to list 10 things that would go wrong with our water authority, this would not be on the list,” said Matthew Mottes, the chairman of the authority that handles water and wastewater for about 22,000 people in the woodsy exurbs around a one-time steel town outside Pittsburgh.
States and Congress Wrestle With Cybersecurity After Iran Attacks Small Town Water Utilities
Robert B. Carleton + ISC2 Central Mississippi President
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