Cyber Badness: 12 Top Hacks, Data Breaches, Missteps of 2023

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Cyber Badness: 12 Top Hacks, Data Breaches, Missteps of 2023

Post by rbc »

All has not been quiet on the malicious cybersecurity front over the past 12 months. Innovation, cyberattacks and cyberespionage, and data breaches - malicious or inadvertent - have remained a constant. At the same time, defenders have scored notable victories, including in Ukraine as well as by disrupting some big-name ransomware players.

Here are 12 notable incidents and trends of 2023 and their implications for the bigger cybersecurity picture.
Cyber Badness: 12 Top Hacks, Data Breaches, Missteps of 2023
Robert B. Carleton + ISC2 Central Mississippi President
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