Cyberattack on Irish Utility Cuts Off Water Supply for Two Days

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Cyberattack on Irish Utility Cuts Off Water Supply for Two Days

Post by rbc »

An attack launched by hackers last week against the systems of a small water utility in Ireland interrupted the water supply for two days.

The cyberattack was reported by a local newspaper, Western People, and technical details are murky. The attack targeted a private group water scheme in the Erris area, and reportedly impacted 180 people in Binghamstown and Drum, leaving them without water on Thursday and Friday.

The newspaper reported that the hackers targeted a Eurotronics water pumping system, defacing a user interface with a message announcing the hack. The hackers also posted an anti-Israel message and said they targeted the system due to it being made in Israel.
Cyberattack on Irish Utility Cuts Off Water Supply for Two Days
Robert B. Carleton + ISC2 Central Mississippi President
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